What are contagious ideas? Contagious ideas are so big, so different and so memorable that they infect your target audience with a fever to buy your products or services. 

Follow on our blog to learn how and why contagious ideas can give your branding program a shot in the arm, while keeping your competition quarantined for good so you can win!

LinkedIn: Taking Your Usage to the Next Level

One of the social media networks you can use to improve your visibility and your brand is LinkedIn. LinkedIn features more than 90 million members, and 15 million unique visitors per month. This offers you the chance to brand yourself and build authority. As you begin using LinkedIn, consider ways you can take your usage […]

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A Beginners Guide For LinkedIn

When most of us think of social media, networks like Facebook and Twitter come to mind. However, it’s important to remember LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a social media network aimed at professionals. The point of LinkedIn is true networking, where you can grow your network, as well as connect to people in others’ networks. For professionals […]

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Use Social Media to Improve Your Openness

Thanks to technology, especially the Internet, consumers are used to having a pretty good idea of what is happening with companies. They expect companies to be open and forthright when problems crop up, and they expect access to information about what companies are doing with their money. On top of that, many consumers also expect […]

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Bergeron Creative Studios gives Bello Opticians a prescription for online success

Worcester, MA – Prescribing an online branding strategy that’s just the right fit for Bello Opticians to launch their first website and social media channels.  Bergeron Creative Studios, a nationally recognized award-winning branding firm, is pleased to announce that they have been chosen by Bello Opticians to launch their website and generate some buzz though […]

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The Importance of Addressing Comments on Your Social Media Networks

One of the best ways to connect with consumers and improve your brand following and loyalty is to interact on social media. Social media is the new word of mouth, and it provides you with a way to address problems quickly – and sometimes even turn a negative review into a positive experience. The rise […]

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How Andy Warhol Predicted Social Media in 1969

Did Andy Warhol predict social media in 1969?  How exactly did pop art influence the field of social media? Many think Andy Warhol predicted social media in the late 60s. For those of you who don’t know, Andy Warhol was the leader of the Pop Art movement in the United States. It may surprise you […]

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Social Media is the New Word of Mouth

Building Relationships for Your Small Business When social networks made their first appearances, few small businesses realized that they could have a significant impact on their sales and profitability. After all, where is the business opportunity in a medium that involves individuals interacting with each other? The reality, though, is that social media is the […]

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Bergeron Creative Studios Launches Clark University’s College of Professional and Continuing Education (COPACE) New Graduate Programs Campaign

WORCESTER, MA – Building on its success with digital and social media campaigns, Bergeron Creative Studios, a nationally recognized award-winning branding firm, is pleased to announce the launch of new Cyber Security Graduate Programs for Clark University’s College of Professional and Continuing Education (COPACE) to address the prevalent knowledge and talent gaps related to worldwide […]

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What is brand identity?

A brand identity—also referred to as corporate or institutional identity,—helps consumers visually identify and differentiate a brand, as well as, creates a sense of community and cohesiveness across all types of communications and media. It may seem strange to think of companies, institutions, causes, products and even services, as having personalities and separate identities,—this is […]

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Bergeron Creative Holiday Avatars

We developed this series of Bergeron Creative holiday avatars to celebrate our favorite holidays. Let us know what you think about these avatars and check back because we’re always adding new ones.

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Bergeron Creative Graphic Avatars

We developed this series of Bergeron Creative graphic avatars just because its fun to be creative. Let us know what you think about these avatars and check back because we’re always adding new ones.

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Bergeron Creaive Tactical Avatars

We developed this series of Bergeron Creative tactical avatars to represent the branding tactics we utilize. Let us know what you think about these avatars and check back because we’re always adding new ones.

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Find out how the CREATEGY branding process can help your brand WIN!

Call us at 617-834-4840 | al@bergeroncreative.com