Choosing Color Combinations for a Website

When it comes to choosing color combinations for a website, there are a lot of things to consider. As someone who is not a professional designer, you may have many questions about how to use colors on your website. In this post, we will outline some tips on how to choose color combinations for your website, where on the website to use those colors, and how to choose colors that remain true to your brand.

Choosing Colors

When deciding on a website color combination, it’s important to note the different color types used on a website. Here are the website color types to know:

  • Dominant color – this is the main color of your brand, and your website should reflect that! Typically a dominant color will be used for things like headers, logos and call-to-action buttons and will be used in any graphic that is created.
  • Background color – this is typically white or neutral color, but there are brands that use other colors. Keep in mind that the background color is a backdrop to make the content more visible and readable.
  • Accent colors – to spice up your website, accent colors allow for emphasis of quotes, buttons, or subtitles on a website. Choose one or two accent colors that go well, yet create contrast with your color scheme.

Know Color Psychology

Colors can subconsciously affect a user’s online behavior, which includes purchasing behavior. Knowing how colors can affect users can be critical in creating a website. 


color psychology chart

Color Psychology

  • Green – health, nature, wealth
  • Yellow – happiness, cheerfulness
  • Orange – enthusiasm, creativity
  • Red – passion, excitement, urgency
  • Pink – feminine, romance, sweetness
  • Purple – royalty, wealth, wisdom
  • Blue – trust, peace, tranquility
  • Grey – simplicity, neutral, calmness
  • Black – power, sophistication, luxury

Stay True to Your Brand

Most importantly, it’s important to choose colors that stay true to your brand. Remember, branding is a unified effort of reaching your audience both online and offline, so it’s important to maintain your visual identity by choosing colors that reflect your brand. An effective website is one that stays true to your brand.

If you need help choosing color combinations, Bergeron Creative can help. We offer graphic design and web design services for all of your branding strategy endeavors. We look forward to collaborating with you!



Al Bergeron is President and Chief Creative Officer at Bergeron Creative Studios, a Boston-area branding firm that integrates interactive, social media and Internet marketing into an engaging force that helps clients win.

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