Is your Facebook Page optimized for the new newsfeed?

It seems as though Facebook is always changing things up a little bit, redesigning the look every few months. For the last couple of months, Facebook has been rolling out changes to the newsfeed.

The updated newsfeed is going to feature brighter colors and larger images. Plus, it will give users the ability to view the information in their feeds the way they want. Other changes, such as using the cover photo on “Liked” business pages showing up in users’ own feeds.

All of these changes mean that you are going to have to make sure that your brand is ready to present itself in an attractive and engaging fashion. Here are three things you need to do now in order to get ready for the redesigned Facebook newsfeed:

1. Use Better Images

On social media, images are increasingly important. If you don’t have better images with your content, you are going to be ignored. Start improving the images that you include with your content. Create interesting and engaging images. Make sure that they are of high quality. With the new feed emphasizing images and making them bigger and prominently featuring them, it’s vital that you pay attention to the kinds of images you include.


2. Update Your Cover Image

Take the time to find out what Facebook’s guidelines are for cover images. Since the image that appears to your followers’ will be the cover image, you need to make sure that you have a great cover image. Look for an image that captures your brand, has a high quality, and is attractive. If you want your content to stand out in users’ newsfeeds, you need to make sure that the image is clear and recognizable. Your cover image should clearly identify your brand, and be something that others will want to engage with.

3. Up Your Game When it Comes to Ads

Are you using Facebook feed ads? If so, you need to up your game. You will want to take advantage of the new look to improve your Facebook ads. Consider overhauling your feed ad campaign to better represent your brand and improve interest in your products and/or services.
Even if you don’t use Facebook feed ads, realize that your followers and fans will now be able to get everything you post in their newsfeeds. This means that you need to consider your content and make sure that everything you post is either useful, entertaining, or timely. Think about what you post, and come up with a posting frequency that works best for your audience.

Bottom Line

Facebook is always changing the game. This time, though, the changes to the newsfeed are expected to be very visual. If you haven’t been focusing on the visual appeal of your brand, now is the time. Images are increasingly important, whether you are on Pinterest or Facebook. Try to include an attractive and interesting image with each post, and make sure that your cover photo is updated to reflect your brand in a high-quality manner.

Are you looking forward to the changes to the Facebook newsfeed? What steps are you taking to maximize your impact on Facebook?


Al Bergeron is President and Chief Creative Officer at Bergeron Creative Studios, a Boston-area branding firm that integrates interactive, social media and Internet marketing into an engaging force that helps clients win.

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