What is Internet (Engagement) Marketing?
There are various tactics associated with Internet marketing. Your strategies can make a big difference in the results you get. Some of the tools you can use to enhance your Internet marketing efforts include interactive public relations, affiliate marketing, and social media marketing. You can measure the success of your efforts with the help of […]
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What is Interactive PR?
Internet methods have emerged as a quick and convenient way to spread your brand message. Interactive public relations can help you connect directly with your audience so that you can disseminate your message quickly. However, the nature of the Internet means that your audience will also be interacting with you. It’s important to be aware […]
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What is point-of-purchase advertising?
Point-of-purchase or point-of-sale displays, often referred as POP and POS displays, are put in retail stores to attract consumer interest and promote sales of a product. These displays are usually created and prepared by the product manufacturer for distribution to wholesalers or retailers who sell the merchandise. These displays are usually located in stores near […]
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What is print management?
Print management, sometimes referred as print production, planning, supervision or coordination is the process of controlling, organizing and monitoring the flow of printed materials through various printing companies. Typically print management includes print specification, qualified resource selection, scheduling, proof approvals and press inspections, performed in a manner that ensures projects are delivered on-time and on-budget. […]
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What is packaging and package design?
Packaging is the enclosure that contains, protects, preserves, describes and identifies a consumer product for distribution, display, sale, and end use. The package design can affect everything from breakage rates in shipment to whether retailers will be willing to stock it. For example, “displayability” is an important concern to most stores. In addition, the labeling […]
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What is marketing collateral?
Collateral is the collection of materials used to support the marketing and sales of a product or service. Collateral is intended to make these efforts easier and more effective by enhancing the credibility and trust of the brand experience with prospects and customers. Collateral can be used as a leave behind at the end of […]
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What is direct mail?
Direct mail is a form of direct response marketing in which print materials are sent to consumers using the postal service, and designed to get them to take a specific action. Direct mail is commonly confused with the terms bulk mail, junk mail and admail. The term bulk mail refers to direct mail where a […]
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Is print still effective?
Print consists of the marketing communications pieces used to support the branding and sales effort of a product or service. Print comes in all different shapes, sizes and materials, and even three dimensions. Print includes collateral like capability brochures, college viewbooks, annual reports, posters, data sheets, sales folders, newsletters, leaflets, catalogs and manuals. Direct mail […]
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What is Branding?
Do consumers know who you are? Do you know what your business is about? One of the ways to ensure that everyone understands what your company represents is to engage in a branding strategy. Branding is the process of positioning your company in a way that is recognizable. You want consumers to hear your business […]
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