One great way to generate leads is to make use of opt-in email. This online marketing tactic is one in which your customers actually ask you to send them advertising. Opt-in email is a great way to keep consumers informed about the latest sales, promotions, products and news related to your business.
Opt-in email works when visitors to your web site sign up for updates. You can provide an easy-to-use sign up form. There are applications that automate your list, adding sign ups, and then automatically sending out emails when you have something to write.
These types of emails can provide you with valuable leads, especially since those receiving the emails have chosen to have you advertise directly to them. In order to be successful with this type of marketing, though, you need to make sure that your emails are valuable to the customer.
When you advertise your opt-in email option, make sure that it is prominent on your page. To encourage more sign-ups, you can offer a bonus of some kind. Offer an extra $5 off merchandise, or advertise that a special discount code will accompany the first email the subscriber receives. Find some way to add value to the email opt-in so that visitors to your site will want to sign up. Even if the customer doesn’t buy something now, he or she might buy something later, after receiving regular emails.
Not only can you use opt-in emails from your own sites, but you can also purchase lists of people who have opted-in. These are potential leads that are interested in receiving emails related to certain products and services. Look at your options, and consider whether or not it is worth it to buy a list. Chances are, you can purchase some very good opt-in leads for a reasonable price. If you can turn one of these leads into a loyal customer, the return on investment is potentially greater.
In order to provide value in your opt-in email marketing, it’s important that you consider what would be of use to your customers. Sending an email to your list when you have a small piece of company news just clogs up the inbox and annoys customers. Instead, you need to provide something valuable.
Customers like to feel like “insiders.” Provide special discount codes with your email newsletter, offering subscribers something extra that non-subscribers don’t get. You can offer sneak peeks at new products, or let your email list subscribers get access to sale prices a day or two early. Include helpful tips and how-to tutorials in the newsletter, and those on your email list will look forward to what you send.
Remember: Opt-in email is a way of customers inviting you in. However, they can easily unsubscribe to your list. You need to provide extra value in your email communication. When you are engaged in this way, each email has the potential of turning into a new sale.
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